Protection In Sport

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One study among 250 sport students in Denmark found that about 25 per cent either knew about or had experienced situations in which a sport participant under age 18 had been sexually harassed by a coach. 64

We’d like to think that we create idyllic spaces for girls to grow and thrive through their participation in sport. We take great pride in our work and the service we do for youth. As programme designers and leaders, we must be honest. Just as girls are vulnerable to gender-based violence in our communities at large, and at home, they are also vulnerable in our sport programmes. 

Organisational Policies And Protections

It is our duty to take proactive steps to ensure girls safety under our watch and provide honest and uncompromising recourse steps when we do encounter GBV in our programmes....

Considering Team Travel

Travelling for participation in events, tournaments and games should be one of the highlights of sport participation. It is a time to bond with teammates, see new places and...

Homophobia In Sport Programmes

Homophobia is one of the factors that contributes to the overall toll of abuse in sport, and together with other forms of discrimination, it can make sport an unsafe activity for...

64 . Toftegaard, N.J. (2001). ‘The Forbidden Zone’, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 165-182; Nielsen, Jan Toftegaard, Den forbudte zone (The Forbidden Zone), unpublished master’s thesis, Institut for Idraet, Copenhagen, 1998