About This Chapter

This chapter is an extension of the International Guide to Addressing Gender-Based Violence Through Sport. It offers a unique insight into the way sport is being used to address gender-based violence (GBV) in conflict/post-conflict areas. Women Win spent time with the true practitioners of sport as a tool in Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Colombia, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. Women Win listened, talked to, and engaged with the girls/women, directors, coaches, and teachers who have developed strategies for empowerment, reconciliation, and resiliency in conflict/post-conflict areas. They are the true experts. It was co-created by the girls and women themselves who we believe are best equipped to inform our tools. Women Win endeavour that the GBV guide and this conflict/post-conflict specific chapter be used as a benchmark in the Sport for Development sectors operating in conflict-ridden zones.

These guidelines are designed for use by humanitarian organisations, including non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community-based organisations (CBOs), and government authorities operating in conflict and post-conflict areas at international, national, and local levels. The guidelines emphasize the importance of active involvement of local authorities and communities at every stage, in particular the leadership and participation of women and girls in all activities. This participation is fundamental to the success of co-ordinated action and will allow fortification of local capacity and improve sustainability.


This initial co-created draft is intended to be the seed for this body of knowledge. By inviting collaborative authoring, translations, comments, contributions, and adaptations...

Women Win

Women Win is recognised worldwide as a leader in using sport as a strategy to advance girls and women’s rights. Women Win envisions a world where girls and women are empowered,...