Sport As A Platform

When survivors of GBV are encouraged to play a meaningful part in the planning and implementation of programmes, they rise above their perceived vulnerabilities. When women stand up for their rights, especially when they do so in organised groups or with the backing of international and local organisations, incidents of gender-based violence are more likely to subside. "Standing up for one’s rights is the opposite of “keeping silent” and enduring violence." Conversely, when communities are silent or deny the experiences of a GBV survivor, the damage can be significant.[102]

Nowrojee belives that "public acknowledgment and condemnation of abuses suffered are important first steps in providing recognition and redress" to survivors of GBV in conflict/post-conflict areas. Communicating truthfully and denouncing the brutalities committed against an individual can help to restore the humanity of the survivor and her significance within society. This is a particularly important step for a survivor of GBV who has been stripped of everything, including her essential humanity. For survivors of GBV in conflict and post-conflict areas, breaking the silence that surrounds GBV is all the more important because of the stigma and shame that is attached to rape.[103]

Programmatic Tip

Holding awareness-raising days with teammates show members of the public that there is strength in numbers. Awareness-raising activities related to GBV need to be creative. Your campaigns are competing for mental space among audiences that are bombarded with many other cultural misconceptions and messages relating to GBV. Thought-provoking, benefits-based messages are more meaningful. Maybe invite community members to watch a football game and afterwards hold an open-air discussion about GBV in conflict. Multiple messages through different activities (i.e., drama, posters) have more impact as ideas build on and reinforce each other. Include members of the community in the planning process of your communication strategy. Performing all these activities as a team may encourage members of the public to actively support your cause and re-enforce community bonds.


[102]Supra nt. 47
