Supports Peace-building

“We use football for peace…” (SaferRwanda)

In post-conflict environments such as South Africa, sport has been used effectively to promote peace between divided groups. Sport is particularly suited for reflecting, creating, and spreading an atmosphere of harmony.[99]Sporting events present an opportunity to bring groups together in a forum that is competitive without being adversarial, learning to work through and see beyond their differences. Moreover, in countries divided by civil conflict, support for a local or national team can unite divided parties behind a common cause. Communities learn to work together and see beyond their differences. Sport creates conditions that support peace-building strategies and strengthen conflict prevention in society.[100]

Programmatic Tip

SaferRwanda is wholly committed to integrating the impact of their work into the community. They invite community members, as well as ex-prisoners who have committed crimes during the Genocide to watch football games. Take inspiration from this act of reconciliation and encourage your participants to be agents of change within their community.


[99]Supra nt 79

[100]Supra nt. 79 at 9

[101]For more information, see