For a general discourse about establishing a safe space for girls’ sport and empowerment programmes, visit the International Guide to Designing Sport Programmes for Girls.
Creating Safe Space
Fostering a Safe and Supportive Learning EnvironmentOne of the most difficult aspects in implementing SRHR programmes is being explicit about sexuality and related topics in...
Female Coaches
For additional information see Women Win’s International Guide – Recruiting Women Coaches.
The world of sport itself has traditionally had a strong male bias at leadership level....
Girl Designers
If the goal of your sport programme is truly to empower adolescent girls, why not let them help in the design of the programme? They are more likely to be engaged when they have...
Defining The Rights-based Approach
The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) proclaims that “a rights-based approach shifts the focus and role of young people in programme from recipients to actors,...
Policies And Codes
Sport comes with its own risks. Because female athletes and sport participants are subject to the influence and control of predominantly male coaches, teachers and officials,...