Women Win believes a focus on LEEP can support economic empowerment for girls while lowering the cost per participant (CPP) and lead to organisational benefits. As girls gain the skills to be effective peer leaders and coaches, some will have the interest and ability to learn the broader skills needed to become programme managers capable of sustaining and scaling a sport programme. While this approach requires a period of initial investment in training at higher peer leader, coach and employability skill levels, Women Win programme partners applying peer leadership models report that they see the benefits of scaling impact and lowering CPP over time.
Why focus on CPP? Women Win believes that framing the challenge of girls’ economic empowerment in a way that develops a peer leadership pathway, while also addressing organisational sustainability and ability to scale impact, is a win-win situation. Below are some case studies from Women Win programme partners and other organisations using the LEEP model or sector-specific opportunities to empower youth.