How Sport Can Help Individuals

Addresses Trauma

Observations made in conflict/post-conflict areas indicate that survivors of GBV are suffering from a greater trauma. The consequences of the assault – hiding the rape from...

Builds Relationships

Sport teaches teamwork skills such as "loyalty to one’s teammates, deference to a coach’s decisions, and the fact that teams are chosen based on relative skills, not on the...

Challenges Gender Norms

At the root of gender-based violence lies gender imbalance. Part of regaining esteem and community status for survivors of GBV involves women attaining social power. Sport is a...

Cultivates Resiliency

What is Resiliency?                          “Resiliency can be described as an inner strength, responsiveness, and flexibility that some individuals have more than others.”[...


Many of the girls and women interviewed for this guide praised the way sport helps them forget their worries and experiences. Sport distracts survivors of GBV from their...

Emphasizes Positive Emotions

Survivors of GBV in conflict/post-conflict areas often report feeling depressed and harbour negative emotions. The positive and supportive influence of teammates on their lives...

Facilitates Healthy Leadership

Sport helps build leadership skills and offers survivors of GBV opportunities to practice this leadership. These skills are most important in conflict/post-conflict areas where...

Improves Physical Health

For anyone, anywhere, sport offers a range of scientifically proven physical benefits, including building healthy bones, muscles, and joints; reducing blood pressure and...

Offers Routine And Promotes Goal Setting

Participation in a regular sport programme demands disciplined attendance. The chaos of conflict, compounded by the emotional aftershocks, can make daily life seem boundless and...

Promotes Trust

Fear and distrust can dominate the daily lives of the girls and women living in conflict/post-conflict areas. These feelings manifest in many different forms. Survivors of GBV...

Reduces Loneliness

Sport programmes for survivors of GBV in conflict/post-conflict areas can provide critical opportunities for social support that can reduce loneliness and help relieve stresses...

Repairs Human Dignity

Experiencing gender-based violence can diminish a woman’s dignity. The goals, victories, and encouragement of playing a sport can offer survivors the opportunity to slowly...

Role Modelling

In conflict/post-conflict areas, sport can also be used to motivate groups of supporters by role modelling. Girls and women can benefit from the encouragement and leadership of...


Teamwork can be described in many ways: it is the sense of trust and accomplishment that you gain after you succeed; relationships and friendships are formed; work gets done;...

[80]Andersson et al., 2004 National cross-sectional study on views on sexual violence and risk of HIV infection and AIDS among South African school pupils. BMJ 2004, pp 952-957.