Negotiation And Refusal

Adolescent Girl Life Skill: Communication, negotiation and refusal skills

General Adolescent Life Skills: Negotiation/Conflict Management Skills

The better adolescent girls are able to communicate, negotiate and understand how to refuse advances, the more likely they are to avoid dangerous peer pressure that may result in lying, stealing, crossing emotional and physical boundaries, abuse, and unsafe sexual experiences.

Practicing using their voice to communicate and negotiate in loud and forceful ways during a sport practice can help girls gain the confidence to use that voice off the field. For example, a girl who builds confidence on the field might be more likely to speak up in her best interest, or say no when approached for sex or pressured to do drugs. Learning to negotiate playing time on the field, position choice or rules of the game can help girls learn to negotiate and communicate their rights off the field such as school, home or in a relationship. Communication, negotiation and refusal skills are also critical in protecting girls from various forms of gender-based violence  (see International Guide to Addressing Gender-Based Violence Through Sport) and in asserting their sexual and reproductive rights (see Addressing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights through Sport Guide).