Measuring Impact on Girls- Qualitative Tools

1. Most Significant Change (MSC)

Most Significant Change (MSC) is a qualitative and participatory technique involving the on-going collection of stories of significant change, from the perspective of the participant, or any other stakeholder in the programme or community. Each story represents the storyteller’s interpretation of impact, which is then reviewed and discussed. The process offers an opportunity for a diverse range of stakeholders (programme participants, coaches, field staff, facilitators, community members, and parents/caregivers) to enter into a dialogue about program intention, impact, and ultimately future direction.

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2. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)

A focus group discussion (FGD) is a qualitative tool in a group interview format that brings together specific programme stakeholders for a discussion around topics related to the change in girls as a result of the programme they are in. The information or ‘data’ captured in the FGDs can be used to compare findings from other M+E tools. For example, individual participant questionnaires primarily measure changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours related to certain topics. From the FGDs you can gain more in-depth information related to sport, leadership, health, gender-based violence, and economic empowerment. They provide the opportunity to learn not only if participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour changed, but also how they changed and how this has impacted other aspects of their lives. Furthermore, quantitative tools like FGDs are better suited to measuring changes in girls’ status and condition than questionnaires. Questions during an FGD session could be about the girls’ broader experience living in their communities – whether information is available to them, what opportunities exist for girls, what other people think about girls, and whether perceptions of girls and their abilities are changing.

Finally, you can gain an understanding of their experience with their sport programme. Do they like it or not? What do they think should be different or improved? What personal changes do girls attribute to the programme? Organisations can use FGD data to assess both the effectiveness and acceptability of girls’ sport programme, which will allow you to make improvements to the programme.

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PDF icon WW FGD Guideline_Participants_2013.pdf