how do you design a quality sport programme that serves the needs of girls?

The International Guide to Designing Sport Programmes for Girls is a collaboratively-authored tool designed to help organisations develop and improve effective and sustainable programmes.This is a platform for a global conversation between people who are passionate about changing girls' lives through sport. 

Programme Design

Attracting and retaining girls in your sport programme means designing every aspect to meet their needs.


Learn more about how operate a quality sport programme with well trained coaches and girls in the lead

Life Skills

Girls need a different set of life skill than boys to thrive in this world. A sport programme can be the perfect place to learn and practice.

Engaging The Community

Community stakeholders and caregivers are powerful forces in the lives of girls. Pick up strategies for how to positively engage them in girls' sport

Safe Spaces

Girls can only succeed in sport if they feel secure. Consider practices and policies to ensure girls are safe in your programme.