1. Collect Beneficiary Information
The participant info sheet allows organisations to gather important information about each beneficiary, or participant, in the programme. This includes information about the background of the beneficiary, her age/birthdate, her schooling level, her family history, and any emergency information needed in case something happens. This document is essential to understanding the background of participants in a programme and also allows organisations to record why that participant dropped out of a programme (eg. graduated, parents pulled her out, moved away, etc.). Beneficiary information helps organisations track their participants throughout the life cycle of a programme and link their background information to their baseline/endline results or other programmatic information and results.
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Participant Registration Form.docx
2. Administer a Participant Baseline and Endline Questionnaire
A participant questionnaire is a survey that beneficiaries of a programme fill in, usually before and after a particular intervention (and sometimes midway through). The purpose of the questionnaire is to measure inidcators on girls’ behaviours, attitudes, knowledge, condition and status at the beginning of the programme. In order to measure change, as a result of the programme, you ask the same qeustions at the end of the programme and compare results.
Data from questionnaires can be presented to the caregivers, community members, various stakeholders,donors, and funders, who are all often interested in seeing the impact of sport and your programme on girls. In addition, questionnaire data can be used to help improve your programme or curriculum. For example, if you see that after comparing base and endline results there is little change in a certain topic area based on the surveys, then you can re-examine your programme design, interview with girls ot verify and change or improve the approach or content. This is also true if, through the baseline results, you see that girls have high knowledge on a particular topic at the start of the programme. You might consider replacing that particular topic with something more advanced or different in order to expose girls to new information and better develop their leadership.
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Women Win designed its own questionnaire based on the types of programmes that our partners implement, with a focus on measuring the change in participants’ BACKS (behaviour, attitude, condition, knowledge, and status) around leadership, gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health, rights, and economic empowerment. Women Win currently have two base/endline questionnaires for girls in sport programmes; the Complete Questionnaire and the Short Questionnaire. The Complete Questionnaire is detailed and takes a significant amount of time to administer and analyse. It may not be necessary to use the Complete Questionnaire if the programme is being implemented by experienced coaches in the same locations as previous years. Instead, we have created a Short Questionnaire for use in these cases.
Participant Questionnaire Administration Guideline.pdf
V3 Complete Participant Questionnaire Base Endline.docx
V3 Short Participant Questionnaire Base Endline.docx
3. Track Attendance
Taking regular attendance at all programme activities is an important step in monitoring how many girls attend training sessions or activities and who exactly is showing up and how often. This is important information for organisations in terms of better scheduling activities for increased attendance or better engaging with girls and their families to understand why they aren’t able to come on a regular basis. This also helps organisations track their graduation rates and drop-out rates and track attendance patterns, which in turn, helps them better understand where they are failing and how to improve.
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