Sport organisations have a responsibility to those they serve by providing programmes in which the outcomes and impacts are positive and equitable across genders. This ‘duty’ involves not only providing access through gender-sensitive recruitment strategies and all-girls sport teams, but involves careful programme design, facilities such as girls’ dressing rooms, female coaches, community engagement and campaigns to dispel misperceptions and myths, partnerships and ultimately structures that give girls the opportunity become leaders. Creating truly safe and inclusive spaces requires putting the participants at the centre of the process, including defining ‘safe and inclusive’, understanding their rights and participating in the process of ensuring their protection.
Women Win has created a sample gender inclusion policy which outlines four main areas in which policies and procedures must be developed and implemented in order to create an atmosphere that is safe and inclusive for female participants and coaches/staff members and ensures that both boys and girls have the opportunity to experience the positive impact of sport to its full potential.
Download a sample Sample Gender Inclusion Policy.docx.
Take the Gender Inclusion in Sport Self Assessment in order to better understand where your organisation is regarding gender inclusion in its programmes and operations.