Building Organisational Readiness Through Partnerships

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Carolina for Kibera

Carolina for Kibera exists to develop local leaders, catalyze positive change and alleviate poverty in the Kibera slum of Nairobi. As one of their tools, CFK uses sport to teach healthy life choices and promote peace across gender and ethnic divides in Kibera. Programme manager’s report having a partnership with the Nairobi Women’s Hospital, where girl participants are given a tour of the. gender-based violence ward of the facility and taught appropriate steps for reporting.

It is not necessary, or realistic, for every girl’s sport organisation to be experts in addressing gender-based violence. However, creating organisational readiness to build girls’ (and staff) capacity in this area and provide necessary resources can be facilitated by building partnerships with those who are experts in this area.

Several organisations contributing to this guide have created relationships with women’s organisations, domestic violence organisations,  child’s rights groups, medical experts, legal professionals, etc. These organisations and individuals are focused on providing support services for the people they serve. Consider inviting a GBV expert or rape counsellor to come speak to girls/caregivers in your programme. Go meet with local police to understand how they are responding to gender-based violence. Join up with a women’s shelter and hold an awareness raising event, showing your community that you are dedicated to protecting girls.